R1. Provide a platform that enhances responsible user participation.
Enable users to participate in creating and sharing content so that they are empowered by their collective intelligence.
Write a post, Share [Facebook], Survey on comments’ quality [Facebook]

R2. Provide appropriate and timely information.
Inform users by providing helpful guides and certified links or help them access useful information.
2020 US Election Updates link,  Covid-19 information link [Facebook]

R3. Support diverse perspectives to work against filter bubbles.
Provide options and content curations that show balanced information from different perspectives to mitigate selective exposure.
Sort posts by [Reddit]

R4. Show the logic behind algorithmic curations, especially for commercial usage.
Provide sufficient background to help users understand how the service’s algorithms work, and give suggestions to help users control them.

R5. Empower users by supplying certified experts and organizations.
Make use of professional organizations and expert knowledge to give users accurate information.
Missing context from independent fact-checkers [Facebook]